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- Future Domain Corporation
- NetWare 386 Drivers
- Version 1.20
- README.TXT - This file
- INSTALL.EXE - Installation Program
- FUTD_3.DSK - Netware 386 V3.1X Disk Level Driver
- FUTD_4.DSK - NetWare 386 V4.X Disk Level Driver
- FUTXPT.DSK - Netware Transport Level Driver
- FUTASPI.DSK - NetWare ASPI Manager for Future Domain Controllers
- FUTASPI.DDI - Installation Information File for NetWare v4.X Install
- Program
- SIM950_3.DSK - NetWare 386 V3.1X 950/9C50 IC SCSI I/O Module
- SIM950_4.DSK - NetWare 386 V4.X 950/9C50 IC SCSI I/O Module
- SIM950_4.DDI - Installation Information File for NetWare v4.X Install
- Program
- SIM18_3.DSK - NetWare 386 V3.1X 18XX/36XX Series IC SCSI I/O Module
- SIM18_4.DSK - NetWare 386 V4.X 18XX/36XX Series IC SCSI I/O Module
- SIM18_4.DDI - Installation Information File for NetWare v4.X Install
- Program
- CDROM.NLM - NetWare 386 V3.11 CDROM Netware Loadable Module
- An installation program (INSTALL.EXE) is provided on this diskette to
- copy the necessary NetWare drivers that work with your Future Domain
- controller to your NetWare path. The program installs for both
- NetWare 386 Version 3.1X and Version 4.X.
- 1) Loading
- The NetWare 386 SCSI driver is actually three NLMs: a transport
- module (FUTXPT.DSK), a SCSI I/O module (SIMxxxx.DSK), and the disk
- driver module (FUTD_x.DSK). The module FUTD_x.DSK accepts requests
- from NetWare and passes them to the transport module which in turn
- routes the request to the appropriate SCSI I/O module (SIMxxxx.DSK).
- All three drivers must be loaded before you can access your SCSI
- drives. Both the FUTXPT.DSK and FUTD_x.DSK are auto-loaded by the
- SIMxxxx.DSK driver. FUTASPI.DSK is Future Domain's ASPI (Advanced
- SCSI Programming Interface) Manager for NetWare 386 V3.1X/4.X.
- You must load this driver only if are using an NLM that require an
- ASPI interface.
- To load the drivers during initial NetWare 386 V4.X server
- installation, it is required that the drivers reside either in
- the root directory of the diskette, or in the directory where the
- file SERVER.EXE resides on the hard drive.
- To load the drivers manually, first copy the required files to the
- path where the SERVER.EXE file resides using the INSTALL.EXE
- program, then type the following after starting the server:
- (a) For 8-bit Controllers (e.g. TMC-950)
- :load sim950_x
- :load futaspi.dsk (optional)
- (b) For 16-bit ISA/MCA or 32-bit PCI Controllers
- (e.g. TMC-1650/1660/1670/1680/3260, MCS-600/700)
- :load sim18_x
- :load futaspi.dsk (optional)
- The FUTXPT.DSK, and FUTD_x.DSK drivers will be automatically
- loaded by the SIM.
- 2) Unloading
- To unload the drivers you must unload all modules individually.
- For example you had a TMC-3260 in your system, type the following
- at the server prompt:
- :unload futaspi (optional)
- :unload futd_x
- :unload sim18_x
- :unload futxpt
- 1) The SCSI I/O modules (SIMxxxx.DSK) support a command line parameter
- that prevents auto-loading of the FUTD_x.DSK driver. This parameter
- is provided so that you may load the FUTD_x.DSK driver with command
- line parameters, and is used as follows:
- :load sim18_3 /na
- 2) The SCSI I/O module for the 16-bit adapters (i.e., SIM18_3.DSK and
- SIM18_4.DSK) support a driver parameter that disables the negotia-
- tion for synchronous data transfers for a specific SCSI device.
- This parameter is provided for those devices that cannot handle the
- SCSI synchronous data transfer negotiation properly. The driver
- parameter is used as follows:
- /!s=hba(target,lun)[,hba(target,lun)...]
- where: hba = adapter number assigned by SIM18_x.DSK
- target = SCSI ID of device
- lun = LUN of device
- example:
- :load sim18_x /!s=0(1,0)
- The above will disable the negotiation for synchronous data
- transfer to the drive with SCSI ID 1 and LUN 0 on adapter 0.
- WARNING: The above driver parameter must be used if and only if the
- SCSI device was not found by the SCSI I/O module during its
- initialization. If this driver parameter is used for a SCSI device
- found during initialization, the server may fail.
- 3) The FUTD_x.DSK drivers support a command line parameter that
- excludes adapter/device combinations. When this parameter is
- specified, the target ID (including all LUNs) will NOT be shown to
- NetWare. This parameter is provided to support ASPI-based disk
- array software and is used as follows:
- /e=hba(target_list) [,hba(target_list)...]
- where: target_list = target[,target...] - one or more targets
- = * - all targets
- hba = adapter number
- target = SCSI ID of device
- example:
- :load futd_x /e=0(1,2,3), 1(*)
- The above will prevent SCSI IDs 1, 2, and 3 on adapter 0, and
- SCSI IDs 0 thru 7 on adapter 1 from being seen by NetWare.
- NOTE: You must first load the SIMxxxx.DSK driver with the /NA
- parameter so that the FUTD_x.DSK driver will not be auto-loaded
- then load the FUTD_x.DSK driver with your desired parameter.
- 4) The FUTD_x.DSK driver supports a command line parameter that
- disables SCSI disconnect. The default SCSI disconnect status is
- enabled. The parameter is used as follows:
- :load futd_x /!d
- NOTE: You must first load the SIMxxxx.DSK driver with the /NA
- parameter so that the FUTD_x.DSK driver will not be auto-loaded,
- then load the FUTD_x.DSK driver with your desired parameter.
- 1) If you want to have the disk drivers load automatically upon server
- startup, you must add the appropriate load commands in your
- 2) CDROM Users: The CDROM.NLM provided on this diskette (supplied by
- Novell, Inc.) must be loaded after the Future Domain disk driver
- has been loaded and SYS has been mounted. Type "CD HELP" for a
- list of available CDROM commands after loading this module.
- 3) On NetWare 386 V3.11 servers, please be sure to reboot your system
- before bringing up your server. DO NOT bring down the server and
- starting it back up without rebooting.
- 4) When running NetWare for OS/2 (That is... running a Novell V4.X
- server under OS/2, NOT the OS/2 Requester), please be sure that the
- OS/2 ADD for the adapter is not loaded. If both the OS/2 ADD and
- the NetWare SIM are loaded, there will be two drivers attempting to
- utilize the same memory base, I/O base, and/or IRQ.
- Please note that NetWare for OS/2 is only supported for NetWare 386
- V4.X and OS/2 V2.1.
- 5) Some 486 processors have a hardware problem. In order to get
- around the bug in the chip, Intel recommended a work around to 486
- system designers. This workaround, however, will cause the message
- "lost interrupt detected by hardware controller" or "spurious
- interrupt detected by hardware controller" to be displayed when our
- driver is loaded. There is nothing wrong with your system, it will
- run fine. You can tell NetWare not to complain about these lost
- interrupts with the SET command from the server console or
- 6) If you plan to modify the write-protect tab on removable media
- while the server is up, please make a note of the following
- limitation:
- NetWare will not allow you to change Read Only media into Read/
- Write media. However, you may change Read/Write media into Read
- Only media. Novell is currently working to resolve this issue.
- 7) The default Read-After-Write Verify status is "Verify Disabled".
- You may, however, select "Hardware or Software Level Verify" at
- any time using MONITOR.NLM.
- To contact our Customer Service Department please call:
- Future Domain Corporation
- Customer Service
- 2801 McGaw Avenue
- Irvine, CA 92714
- Phone: (714) 253-0440
- FAX: (714) 253-0429
- Monday - Friday, 8AM to 5PM PST